Easy And Fast Crypto wallet

Getting started with our crypto wallet is safe and confidential. Enable your customers to make instant crypto payments.

Create your wallets

Create wallets as many as you’d like to manage your coins.

Buy your first Bitcoin

Deposit Bitcoin and other crypto to your wallet

Start using your wallets

You’re now ready to store, send, receive, spend, trade, and buy more Crypto easily.

Keep your fund confidential, with a non-custodial wallet

In the financial world, transparency is the key. However, when it comes to handling your own finances, there are certain details and financial secrets that best remain confidential. It is your financial statement and only you and your family are entitled to know the finer details. In your own interest and the larger interests of your family, it is always advisable to keep certain financial aspects of your life totally confidential. You can safely use all our services, We will never sell or rent your financial or personal information.

Attract a global user base

Increase your reach by promoting your wallet at CoinPay24 merchants.


Receive instant email and push notifications for payments, transfers, and proposals.

Secure storage

We store the vast majority of the Cryptocurrency in secure offline storage.

Coinpay24 offline storage provides an important security

  • All Financial Data That Would Reside On Our Servers Is Disconnected Entirely From The Internet.
  • All data is then split with redundancy, encrypted, and copied to USB drives and paper backups.
  • Our top priority is protect your identity and financial information
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